Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Future Career Research Paper - 1323 Words

Akira Lokey October 5, 2014 7th period Future Career Research Paper What is the importance of goals? Do goals help you plan out your future? Or possibly give you something to work for? To me goals provide a map of what I want to do, how I’m going to do it, and why I want to do it. Goals also provide a sense of accomplishment when you finally get to finish whatever you’ve been working towards. The need for goals in life is clear, because without goals, we wouldn’t get much done. Simply because of the fact that there wouldn’t be anything to work towards, and no structure to our future. One of my most important goals is to graduate college, to get a career in psychology. This goal is extremely important to me because of the fact that not many people in my family have even finished high school. Psychology has many different fields. But overall psychology is just the study of the human mind and its functions. You may be asking yourself, what’s the importance of psychology? Well psychology is extremely important for many reasons, such as diagnosing certain diseases, understanding more about who we are and why we do some of the things we do, or why we do them. Psychology helps us understand certain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, bi polar, and even Parkinson’s because of the fact that all these issues are linked to problems in different parts of the brain. With much more research we can begin to understand this diseases more and more, figure out what causesShow MoreRelatedReflection About Self Reflection1343 Words   |  6 Pageshow much I could improve my writing. I have learned many valuable skills such as researching credible information, using critical thinking and rhetorical strategy, writing mechanics, analyzing and disproving counter- arguments, addressing specific audiences, and using peer editing in my writing process. 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