Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Personal Experience How Healthy Are You Assessment

â€Å"How Healthy Are You?† Assessment Do to my scores and how healthy are you assessment I scored low in the physical health. I want to improve my eating habits. I want to eat healthier rather than always eating junk food. For example, what I would do is I would replace cookies with carrots and replace Pepsi with orange juice. An area Im trying to focus on is losing weight. How I want to lose weight is doing daily exercises and focus on what Im eating. A daily exercise I would do is going to the gym for about an hour a day 5 days a week. Overall what I would do to achieve my goal is basically do daily exercises and watch what I eat. Behavior Change Plan My goal is to loose weight. My goal is set to loose 10 pounds by end of this semester. I have made a program of my own to help me stay on track and meet my goal. Everyday for breakfast I will have one fruit of any kind for lunch I will eat something light that doesn’t have too many calories and as much fattening. Same routine goes for dinner and just watch what Im eating. Im going to replace my junky snacks with healthier snacks. Another goal I want to commit to is, to quit soda of all kind and start drinking only water and no other drinks. I will be doing daily exercises for example jogging for about an hour every morning before I go to school. I also will be attending the gym 5 days a week for at least 2 hours a day. Background of the problem Human health is one of the most important things in life. We need to stayShow MoreRelatedAssessment and Assessor Signature1216 Words   |  5 PagesOps) Personal Learning and Thinking Skills - Record of Achievement As you assess the learner they will produce naturally occurring evidence that meets the standards below. It is therefore important that you have a good working knowledge these standards to enable you to recognise when they have been met. 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